The UUCNC Executive Board meets monthly with Rev. Ron Skowronski. Meetings are at the meetinghouse (222 Temple St., Fredonia NY) with a Zoom option. Agenda items should be submitted to president Val Colt or secretary Jess Lustig by 5 PM on the Tuesday before each meeting; dates are listed on the Calendar page under the News & Events tab above.

Upcoming Executive Board meetings are listed on the Calendar page under the News & Events tab above. Members of the congregation are welcome to come before the Board to discuss an issue or to bring a proposal, in writing, and may send information or proposals to the Board Secretary.

About the Executive Board

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua is served by an Executive Board of six voting members. The Executive Board has general charge of the property of the congregation and the conduct of all of its business affairs and the control of its administration, including the appointment of committees.

Each year at the annual meeting in May or June, voting members of the congregation elect three members of the Executive Board:

  • A Vice-President (who becomes President the following year), a Secretary and one Member-at-Large are elected for two-year terms that begin in odd numbered years (e.g. July 1, 2023).
  • A Vice-President (who becomes President the following year), a Treasurer and one other Member-at-Large are elected for two-year terms that begin in even number years (e.g. July 1, 2024).

The Executive Board holds regular monthly meetings. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President, or upon written request of three members of the Board.

All officers and board members shall:

  • Attend board meetings and be prepared for meetings by reviewing the minutes and reports when received, reviewing the agenda when received, and doing assigned tasks before the next meeting.
  • Be as regular in Sunday worship service attendance as possible.
  • Be attentive to newcomers.
  • Facilitate communication between UUCNC members and the board.
  • Keep informed of UU issues and activities.
  • Represent UUCNC members at board meetings.
  • Use their talents, gifts, and abilities, to the best of their ability, to further the well-being of the UUCNC and its members.
  • Keep growing in the Unitarian Universalist faith.

Responsibilities of each officer or member of the Executive Board are detailed on the document, UUCNC Executive Board Responsibilities.