
We acknowledge that the UUCNC meetinghouse is located on the ancestral land of the Haudenosaunee, home of the Seneca peoples, who are also known as the the Keepers of the Western Door. We are grateful for and respectful of our use of this land and pledge to be good stewards of it, as part of our own faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism. Learn more at
Physical address*:
222 Temple St.
Fredonia, NY 14063
Note: The meetinghouse building is set back from the road, behind a small pale yellow house.
Where do I park?
The driveway is immediately to the right of the buildings.
Limited handicapped parking is available to the left of the driveway, in front of and behind the meetinghouse building.
There is limited general parking behind the meetinghouse building. Use the walkway with handrail to access the meetinghouse from the parking lot.
Important: The driveway allows only one-way traffic: Inbound before worship services and other events, and outbound afterwards. For safety, and to maximize the number of vehicles parked, volunteers direct traffic.
There is no parking on Temple Street. However, parking is available on one side of Maple Avenue, which forms a “T” on the west side of Temple Street a few yards from the driveway entrance.
Additional parking is available at LoGrasso Hall (Lot 21) on the SUNY Fredonia campus. A short distance from the meetinghouse, turn right on Old Main Drive to enter the campus; then immediately turn left into the LoGrasso Hall lot.
*Note that we receive mail at this address:
PO Box 11
Fredonia, NY 14063