Category: Minister Messages


Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird.It’s a plane. It’s…Cupid ? Yes, it’s February, the month we dedicate to Love, primarily due to our preoccupation with Valentine and his day. The average American will spend between $131 and $192 this year, expressing devotion towards a dearly beloved. The day has always confused me a … Continue reading Loving-Kindness


Some of the Holidays are now behind us. One can only hope the we have “survived” them with style and grace. As wonderful or difficult as this time of year is, we now prepare for the coming year with its challenges and joys. It has been written in Christian scriptures that “You shall know the … Continue reading Truth

Empathy, tolerance and love

Christmas is coming. The geese are getting fat…or so they say.  It is supposed to be a time for great joy and celebrating.  Many are preparing to welcome a small, innocent babe into their hearts.  He will be called “The Prince of Peace.”  In my opinion, his influence has been profound. And yet, in spite … Continue reading Empathy, tolerance and love

Make a positive difference

As I look outside my window these days, I reflect on the past year in order to prepare a sort of “Gratitude List” for Thanksgiving. I am not different than any other person. I am grateful for food, clothing, and shelter. I am grateful for my relationships. I must also reflect on the many who … Continue reading Make a positive difference