A new beginning

Every Year…A New Beginning 

The Ingathering each year is always, for me, a strange and challenging time. I get very excited about a new church year. I have a bunch of new ideas that are inspiring me to lead us to greater growth. I am challenged to remember what errors in judgement and leadership I have made in order not to repeat history…but to hopefully do better for the common good of all. 

It has been said that if we do not learn from the past, we shall just continue to repeat it.  I am certain that you who are reading this can identify with the thoughts and feelings behind this reflection. 
Stop for a few minutes.  Ask yourself…1) Why am I a part of this community? 2) What does it offer me? 3) What do I offer it? 4) Is its mission & message important enough that I am willing to sacrifice my Time, Talents, and Treasure for its success? 

It has been stated by Carl Jung that our main purpose for being is to bring “meaning” to what more often feels like existential darkness. 

As we begin another year…I strongly urge you to ask and answer those vital questions I have brought forth. 

As we struggle and sometimes strain in our relationships and work…Let us ever strive to remember that with all the things we choose to become…The most important thing is to choose to be kind

By choosing to be always kind, by choosing to live in Covenant with each other, by holding up each other’s dignity…We will have a year to remember. It will be a year of moving forward rather than staying stuck. 

I look forward to deeper and greater “meaning” with you this coming year. 

At Your Service, 
Rev. Ron