Visions of the Future

June 9th is the final Sunday service of the church year.

Many of us welcome this hiatus.  Time will be spent communing with Nature, visiting with family and friends. Sharing food and drink out in the park or backyard will be most welcome to many.

It is also a time to reflect on what we have experienced and learned from our relationship with one another this past year. Some relationships have been stressful. Many relationships have been thought provoking. There is no question that we, as a Faith Community, have grown from our individual and communal commitment to the Covenants we aspire to live by. During the past year, I have grown in unexpected ways as I have served as your minister.

If I have “hurt” or “disappointed” any of you…please forgive me.  As I consider the future this coming September, I vow to strengthen our spiritual family in any way that I am able. Thank you for your loving support of this ministry and your extraordinary support of me personally, especially through the time of my illness.

I invite you to envision a church that is so committed to walking what we talk, that it will ignite a new enthusiasm in us and a tremendous interest on the part of the general public to find out what Unitarian Universalism has to offer.  

Though we are on hiatus, I am always available to each and every one of you. Don’t ever hesitate to call upon me.

We will get together for a variety of activities this summer. I look forward to seeing you as they arise.

Stay safe. Enjoy Life. Be well.

At Your Service,
Rev. Ron